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Our Services

TACP offers consultancy services to a wide range of publlc, private and third sector clients. 


Support for all stages of your project

Our in-house multi-disciplinary specialists support our clients at all project stages, designing pragmatic and innovative solutions that protect landscape quality and design, promote environmental awareness and responsibility, to make a sustainable and social contribution.

Our services include: environmental coordination; strategies, management plans and masterplanning; input into local plans, design guidance and supplementary planning guidance; landscape and environmental appraisal; environmental and social impact assessment; landscape and visual impact assessment; design of environmental mitigation; public realm, urban design and detailing; ecology surveys, impact assessments and mitigation; BREEAM, CEEQUAL, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) assessments; and project evaluation.


We support development proposals and planning applications including: preparation of EIA; design and access statements; environmental design; Ecological Constraints and Opportunities Plans (ECOPs); Landscape and Ecological Management Plans; discharge of planning conditions; BREEAM; and planning advice.

Landscape Architecture

Our landscape architecture service is rooted in our team’s diverse experience and practical knowledge and covers masterplanning to detailed design and implementation. 

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Our ecology and nature conservation service combine many years of knowledge and experience in ecological and environmental consultancy throughout the UK, covering all terrestrial habitats and species and a majority of aquatic habitats and species.

Environmental Coordination

TACP has over 35 years' experience in environmental coordination for a range of projects covering complex infrastructure schemes, residential, commercial and a range of renewable energy development including wind, solar and biomass throughout England and Wales.

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Natural Resources Management

The TACP team has a wide range of knowledge and expertise in natural resources management including ecosystems services, green infrastructure, management plans and tackling landscape crime. Consultation is an important element of this service.

Landscape Management

With specialist knowledge and experience of woodland, grassland and wetland design, creation and management linked with traditional practices and new technologies, TACP can assist in achieving conservation, BNG, restoration, health and wellbeing targets and objectives and reversing decline in biodiversity and addressing climate change.

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Landscape Heritage

Our assessment and design service in relation to landscape heritage recognises the inherent historic value, significance and context of features as well as contemporary functions.

Data Analysis

TACP uses data to underpin the solutions and design we develop.  We have specialist knowledge across, and maintain the latest versions of the leading GIS software including: Esri's ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online and ArcMap; Precisely's MapInfo; and QGIS.


Graphic Design

Our graphic design service looks to add extra functionality to your documents, and organise information to help deliver messages in the most impactful way possible. We can create bespoke designs for your documents, designs and reports that ensure your key message is instant, understandable and on brand.

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